Machine Gun Kelly Unveils Dramatic Upper Torso Blackout Tattoo

Machine Gun Kelly Unveils Dramatic Upper Torso Blackout Tattoo

Rapper Machine Gun Kelly shocked fans with his latest tattoo reveal – a striking layer of solid black ink covering nearly half of his upper body. Posted on Instagram, the tattoo saturates his torso, leaving only strategic gaps to reveal some of his original ink.

According to his tattoo artist ROXX, MGK’s decision for this dramatic change was deeply personal, stemming from a desire for spiritual order in his life. The blackout cover-up, as MGK clarified in his Instagram caption, was solely for “spiritual purposes,” and he disabled comments to reflect its significance.

The process, which began in mid-December, was no easy feat. MGK committed to 13 six-hour sessions over several months, showcasing his resilience as one of ROXX’s toughest clients in her 30-year career. Despite the pain, MGK persevered, with more tattooing sessions still to come to complete the transformation.

Machine Gun Kelly’s bold statement exemplifies his penchant for change and reinvention, marking a significant chapter in his personal journey.

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